A healthy lifestyle helps to manage the severity of ADHD symptoms. There are many benefits to being more active and leveraging a healthy diet to manage your ADHD. When you power up each day you will improve your ability to focus, make better decisions, get along with people and feel more calm.
I highly recommend The Full Plate Diet, it is not your typical diet. There is no weighing in, no counting calories, no deprivation. It is a catalyst for transforming your health and life. You get to add to your diet, not take away, get creative, not punish, If you are feeling adventurous and want to add a dash of pizazz to your life this may be for you.

No gimmicks!
I know you'll love the results!
In eight 50 minute sessions, participants will learn how to fill their plate to lose weight by eating more natural fiber-rich foods. More importantly, they will learn 10 tools designed to help them lose weight permanently. Also in this program, participants will find out if they are actually ready to lose weight now, and if not, how to get ready.
The program kit includes:
• The Full Plate Diet book – This intuitive eating guide is the footprint for everything we do.
• Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight? Participant Guide - The 118 page colorful Guide used by each member of the group for personal introspection and fun exercises each session.
• The Full Plate Diet Audio book CD – This abridged audio version of the book allows you to listen to most of the book chapters while in the car or working around the house.
• Full Plate Diet Fiber Guide – This handbook features over 500 foods and beverages and shows you the fiber grams and even calories per serving.
Program Sessions
Session 1: Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight?
In this session you’ll discover how to quickly and easily power up your meals with natural, fiber-rich foods.
Session 2: Can All Fiber-Rich Foods Help You Lose Weight?
Here’s where you become master of the menu! You’ll learn all you need to know to tell the difference between fiber foods that help you lose weight—and those that don’t.
Session 3: Meal Makeovers—How to Enjoy a Full Plate and Still Lose Weight
Strategies and tips for transforming meals with Full Plate Super-foods, plus handy tools that keep you strong in your resolve to slim down and grow healthier.
Session 4: It’s More Than Just Food
Become your own best friend when it comes to losing weight by transforming not just your eating—but your thoughts, too. Here’s how!
Session 5: Making the Most of Morning for Weight Loss
Your mom was right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day...and you’ll learn how to get the most from it. Plus, even more handy-dandy tools to help you shape a new way of eating.
Session 6: Smart Grocery Shopping for Losing Weight. Smart strategies for becoming a grocery guru—that rare shopper whose cart contains exactly what you need to propel you forward on your weight loss journey.
Session 7: Restaurants: A Dieter’s Dilemma. You can eat out and still lose weight—but not unless you know these secrets of making the menu work for you, not against you.
Session 8: Want to Rev Up Your Weight Loss?
Adding physical activity to eating well can help you lose weight twice as fast—but only if you avoid making the common mistake that derails many dieters.
Created by the professionals at Full Plate Living
Individuals purchase their kit separately from Full Plating Living for $49 before class.
Materials $49, plus class fee $150 groups of 10
In eight 50 minute sessions, participants will learn how to fill their plate to lose weight by eating more natural fiber-rich foods. More importantly, they will learn 10 tools designed to help them lose weight permanently. Also in this program, participants will find out if they are actually ready to lose weight now, and if not, how to get ready.
The program kit includes:
• The Full Plate Diet book – This intuitive eating guide is the footprint for everything we do.
• Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight? Participant Guide - The 118 page colorful Guide used by each member of the group for personal introspection and fun exercises each session.
• The Full Plate Diet Audio book CD – This abridged audio version of the book allows you to listen to most of the book chapters while in the car or working around the house.
• Full Plate Diet Fiber Guide – This handbook features over 500 foods and beverages and shows you the fiber grams and even calories per serving.
Program Sessions
Session 1: Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight?
In this session you’ll discover how to quickly and easily power up your meals with natural, fiber-rich foods.
Session 2: Can All Fiber-Rich Foods Help You Lose Weight?
Here’s where you become master of the menu! You’ll learn all you need to know to tell the difference between fiber foods that help you lose weight—and those that don’t.
Session 3: Meal Makeovers—How to Enjoy a Full Plate and Still Lose Weight
Strategies and tips for transforming meals with Full Plate Super-foods, plus handy tools that keep you strong in your resolve to slim down and grow healthier.
Session 4: It’s More Than Just Food
Become your own best friend when it comes to losing weight by transforming not just your eating—but your thoughts, too. Here’s how!
Session 5: Making the Most of Morning for Weight Loss
Your mom was right: breakfast is the most important meal of the day...and you’ll learn how to get the most from it. Plus, even more handy-dandy tools to help you shape a new way of eating.
Session 6: Smart Grocery Shopping for Losing Weight. Smart strategies for becoming a grocery guru—that rare shopper whose cart contains exactly what you need to propel you forward on your weight loss journey.
Session 7: Restaurants: A Dieter’s Dilemma. You can eat out and still lose weight—but not unless you know these secrets of making the menu work for you, not against you.
Session 8: Want to Rev Up Your Weight Loss?
Adding physical activity to eating well can help you lose weight twice as fast—but only if you avoid making the common mistake that derails many dieters.
Created by the professionals at Full Plate Living
Individuals purchase their kit separately from Full Plating Living for $49 before class.
Materials $49, plus class fee $150 groups of 10