"When you go against the grain you're gonna get splinters ."
When our purpose and values are expressed in the way we live, there is an inner assurance and confidence. When we make choices that are not in alignment with our values and purpose it will likely feel uncomfortable, like an unwelcome splinter. It will remain a constant reminder until you make a change.
Life purpose is defined: Who you are moved to be, and what are you moved to create? Your purpose serves as a reminder of who you are and the impact you naturally create in the world. When you are living your purpose, life is fulfilling, effortless and satisfying. When you disregard your purpose, you may feel empty, anguished and unfilled. As people grow and change their purpose may adjust along the way. If you'd like to explore this further there are a list of questions below that you might ask yourself:
When you have lived a full life, your bucket list has been checked off and you are celebrating your 80th birthday surround by your friends and family.
When you have lived a full life, your bucket list has been checked off and you are celebrating your 80th birthday surround by your friends and family.
- What kind of stories do you want them to remember about you?
- What do you want to be known for?
- What, if you suddenly realized the party was actually your memorial, would you have any regrets?, would you have done anything differently?
Values: Who you are right now and who you are throughout your life time. Values are the main convictions that you hold to be of great worth in your life. People often confuse values with morals. Values are not imposed or suggested, they are intrinsic to you.
We all have different sets of values which determine our behavior.
For example: If you have a high caring value you are more likely to prioritize towards activities that allow you to care for others and you are more likely to feel fulfilled in doing so. Taking this same example, if you are not able to act in a way that allows you to fulfill your caring value, whether at home or in work then you are likely to feel unhappy or even stressed.
We all have different sets of values which determine our behavior.
For example: If you have a high caring value you are more likely to prioritize towards activities that allow you to care for others and you are more likely to feel fulfilled in doing so. Taking this same example, if you are not able to act in a way that allows you to fulfill your caring value, whether at home or in work then you are likely to feel unhappy or even stressed.